The Multiverse within

Dr Swati Subodh
1 min readNov 10, 2021

I’d like to challenge you into thinking of yourself more than what you think of yourself!

How many times did we heard the question ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’. Why do we attempt to limit the limitless? Throughout our lives we restrict ourselves to the labeled boxes we ourselves have created trying to go deeper and deeper into something without exploring the lengths and breadths of it. Sometimes not even realizing where this should eventually lead! Breaking out of these self-imposed boxes is important, not just to identify your own potential, but now more than ever since it could be the key to some of humanity’s pertinent issues. Instead of course correction later, can we redefine our journey from the start? If you agree, check out my TEDTalk

This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxGIPE, an independent event.



Dr Swati Subodh

Dr Swati Subodh-a scientist, social entrepreneur, writer & healthcare professional, writes at the interface of science, technology, entrepreneurship & instinct!